Stressed to Blessed

Master the Art of Christian Homemaking

LIMITED TIME: LIVE Recording and Bonuses!!!


Stressed to Blessed

A Homemaking Course that brings Christ to the center of your to do list

Available Immidiately or Live Recording Begins Sept 10, 2024 @ 10am MST

Inside Stressed to Blessed You Will...

Tackle struggles that many moms experience when it comes to home management.

  • Create a One and Done System for Homemaking: Do you constantly try lists and schedules made by someone else but they're never quite what you need? You will make a home management system that's just the right fit.
  • ​Communicate Expectations to Your Family: Are you sick of fighting with the kids to do their chores? Or they only do the job halfway, if at all? Learn communication skills that will encourage more cooperation and get the whole family on the same page with homecare.
  • FINALLY Get Consistent: Want to FINALLY feel like you can be consistent at your home routines and quit feeling like you stick to your routines for only a week or two only to fall back into past habits?

Quit Being Embarrassed When the Delivery Man Peeks in Your Home

Learn to Manage Your Home With Success and Ease

Determine Standards

for Your Home

Make decisions about what needs to be done and how frequently based on your standards, rather than relying on expectations from extended family, friends, and strangers on the internet.

Design Your Routines

and Rhythms

Create a clear map of what needs to be done so you're not spending naptime flitting from one task to the next and create that routine so it works WITH your life and all the curveballs it throws at you.

Create Systems

for the BIG 5

Meals, Laundry, Kitchen, Floors, and Bathrooms are often the biggest areas of homemaking to keep up on so set up effective systems that are easy enough to teach to everyone from toddlers to teens.

Communicate Expectations to Your Family

Do you have a spouse who works a lot, or simply don't feel like you are on the same page when it comes to chores and routines? Do the kids grumble about helping out in the home and only do the jobs halfway? Come learn how to create a family culture that incorporates the needs of all.

Get Accountability to Stay Consistent

Instead of just designing a system and hoping for the best, you can choose to upgrade to add on personalized accountability and encouragement. You don't have to do this alone!

Have a Routine That Supports Your Family

No more grabbing chore lists and cleaning schedules from Pinterest that sound great but don't actually work well with your schedule, your home or your family. Create a routine and a homelife that you actually love.

Are you fed up with climbing Mount Laundry?

This Course For YOU If...

You need clarity on what needs to be done around your house to maintain an orderly home

You want boundaries around your homemaking so you can enjoy some rest in your days

You need systems in place to create and maintain a foundation of order at home

This course moved me to take action on designing my homemaking routine. From zero homemaking routine to breaking it down to bite-size pieces that finally for the first time earned its place in my daily schedule.

Tessa shares all her scripts, tools and secrets to building an intentionally designed peaceful and joyful home--that I was able to implement many strategies right away. Tessa helped me shift my mindset from homemaking is a burden to loving, being grateful and honoring God for my home.

Truly from stressed to blessed! Thank you, Tessa!

Armie Lee

Stressed to Blessed Student

Inside Stressed to Blessed you'll cover:

Module 1:

Defining purpose, vision and defining your standards for your family

Module 2:

Creating efficient systems for the BIG 5 (meals, laundry, kitchen, floors, bathrooms)

Module 3:

Putting your standards and systems into routines

Module 4:

Getting help from kids, spouse or outside hired help

PLUS You'll Also Be Getting...

  • Scriptural printable cards for homemakers (VALUE: $29)

Understand where your worth and identity comes from and why this relates to your home.

  • Biblical Worth Ethic for Kids Resource (VALUE: $19)

Verses to teach children how God uses hard work as a reward and how we are created to serve rather than be served

  • Fillable PDF downloads (VALUE: $29)

Keep track of your weekly routines with my fillable forms for meals, routines, and family rhythms

  • Habit workbook (VALUE: $19)

Brainstorm the why behind your new routines and apply mindset strategies to stay consistent in your new goals!

LIVE Only Bonuses

  • LIVE Recording of Lessons (VALUE: Invaluable)

When you are present at a live recording, there's accountability, personalization, and the motivation that comes from knowing you are seen and not alone.

  • LIVE Homework Co-Working (VALUE: $300)

So many courses go unfinished. Let's make sure this isn't one of them! Once a week we'll have a LIVE Zoom call to actually do the work to put the information into action.

  • Non-Social Support Community ($150)

You'll have the option to join a community of like-minded women to support eachother and cheer each other on in a private and secure group off social media.

  • Asynchronous Coaching (VALUE: $300)

I'll be available for the duration of the couse to help you troubleshoot and offer private asynchronous coaching on a non-social platform that allows for audio, video, and text communication.

Hello, I'm Tessa!

With 6 homeschooled kids and a dairy farm, I know what it's like to have more housework than I know what to do with.

Add my experience with multiple physical and mental health challenges, and you'll understand why I had to get really strategic about caring for my home and family.

I went from feeling guilty and stressed out from being continually behind on housework, to feeling like my home is a place of peace, cooperation, and creativity.

Now I help overwhelmed moms who feel like they're failing or floundering by teaching them the skills and mindset they need to live more confidently and authentically. Because Motherhood isn't meant to be hard.


Who is this course for?

This course is for Christian mothers who desire a more peaceful, orderly home for their families. If you struggle with staying on top of mess, feeling empowered to involve your children in tidying up, or struggle with consistency with family routines, this course is for you!

What will I learn inside Stressed to Blessed?

In this course, I'll be sharing how even the most hot mess mom can develop systems and routines for cleaning, family rhythms, and the delegation of tasks. I'll share my philosophy on how to create these systems, how to communicate them so children understand them, and how keep these routines consistent for children of all ages.

When and where will the course take place?

This course will be presented LIVE through ZOOM with one module per week beginning Thursday September 10, 2024 at 10am MST (12pm EST) and one live co-working call per week beginning Friday September 15, 2024 at 10am MST.

Do I need to attend the calls live?

Nope! While I highly recommend attending live because that's how you get the best results, the calls will be available for viewing later, on your own time, as well. Plus the Module recordings will be available for you in the course portal to watch for years to come! So you can review the material as often as you need.

I feel like I've already tried everything...will this course really help me?

YES! This course WILL help you! My goal is to help you walk away from this course with the confidence to conquer your overwhelm and finally take command of your home. You'll know exactly what you need to do each day so that you no longer feel stressed by your home but truly feel BLESSED by it!

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