Do you feel like there's no way your kids will willingly help around the house?
Are you sick of jobs only being half done?

Do you end up just doing everything because it's easier than trying to get their cooperation?

Get Your Children to Do Chores

Without Fighting, Nagging or Bribes

What if there is a better way?

Join me to find out how you, too, can teach your kids to run the household

For only $7

Are you frustrated that you're the only one who seems to care about the state of your home?

  • Do you struggle with kids complaining and whining about doing chores?
  • Are you at a loss for how to set expectations for your children when it comes to cleaning and routines?
  • Do you feel like you are the only one who sees the mess and cares enough to clean it up?
  • Do you wish it was easier to keep up with everything and remain consistent?

LIVE Tuesday August 27, 2024 at 10am MST (9am PST, 12pm EST) Replay will be available

Hello, I'm Tessa!

As a homeschooling mom of 6, dairy farmer, and Certified Wholeness coach, believe me when I say that I understand that staying on top of home management can be exhausting.

Did I mention we also have chickens, cats, and a puppy? I totally know mess!

How do I do it all? I don't!

My family is my team and we work together to stay on top of everything from laundry, to cooking, to animal chores.

You no longer have to do it all either.

Managing your home does not have to be hard all the time. You can delegate tasks so you aren't the only one staying on top of chores and routines, and you can learn strategies to remain consistent, and reduce overwhelm and exhaustion.

I can help!

What You'll Learn

  • 4 Step Process for Teaching Children Household Tasks that you can use and adapt for children of all different ages, personalities, and learning styles.
  • Communication Tips to help you gain more cooperation and less resistance from the whole family.
  • Motivation for Moms to move from the guilt and resentment of doing it all, to feeling confident in your ability to gain cooperation from your children.

Tessa presents a strategy to form routines in a Christ-centered family culture that will prepare our children to serve in the world because they already know how to serve in our homes.

- Mary

Last night we had a family meeting to work out what actually needs to be done and who will do it. [I learned] a big lesson about deliberately training them, rather than just expecting that they'll pick up on things.

- Petrina

I love the scripts and Scriptures to help change the attitude towards chores in my home.

- Sheryl

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