Hello! I'm Tessa

Certified Wholeness Strategist

Trained Positive Parenting Educator

My Services

As a trained Positive Parenting Educator and Certified Woman School Strategist, I'm passionate about providing encouragement and resources to Christian mothers who want to reclaim their homes and find peace and joy in their daily lives managing their homes and lives.

Whether you're ready to dive into a coaching program for individualized support or you need to start making progress in your home today with my signature homemaking course, I have a resource that will serve you!


As a Certified Strategist with The Woman School, I love helping women grow in their mindset and create a life of wholeness.

Strategy Session

I offer faith-based group and private coaching to help you find success and fulfillment in all the arenas of your life!


As a positive parenting coach and educator, I empower mothers to create a culture of peace and cooperation within their role as homemakers.


On my channel, I explore the issues that mothers today are dealing with in their hearts, families and homes and give practical advice!

Hello, I'm Tessa!

I help overwhelmed moms who feel like they're failing or floundering by teaching them the skills and mindset they need to live more confidently and authentically. Because Motherhood isn't meant to be hard.

Connect with me on Instagram and say hello!

Join my Free Homemakine Reset Challenge

5 Free days of training to get your home back on track and then weekly emails with encouragement, advice, and resources for your mindset, homemaking and motherhood!


I really appreciated Tessa's direct approach in our coaching call. She's straight to the point while being empathetic and asking effective questions to help me figure out problem areas and present solutions. She offers more than just tips for putting together a routine; rather, she presents a strategy to form routines in a Christ-centered family culture that will prepare our children to serve in the world because they already know how to serve others in our homes


I am in month 2 of the Art of Being a Woman Masterclass. This course has drawn me back to the Lord in new ways. It is speaking truth to my heart, and freeing me to be who I am created to be. I am becoming aware of where I need growth, and developing new skills to achieve that growth.

I was mentally stuck in emotions of the past, and am going through a process of being freed.

This course truly is an answer to prayer for mind transformation.

When I asked my husband about the course he said " it's making life better.


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